Producers in Residence
In 2011, NNPN established its Producers in Residence program to support season-long residencies at NNPN Core Member theaters for those who wish dedicate their careers (or the next phase of their careers) to the creation and production of new work. Selected producers are given a home within a professional theater in which they can supplement their skills, increase their knowledge of the day to day operations of a company focused on new work, and be introduced as theater-makers to a community.
The program aims to revolutionize the way theaters support rising leaders in the new play field by embedding the selected Residents in Core Member theaters for 3 to 10 months. While immersed in the day-to-day, per production, and seasonal operations of a new play theater, Residents learn about NNPN’s successful models for collaboration, deepen their connections to the artists and leaders of the Network, and increase their visibility to the field.
Residents are chosen from proposals prepared with and submitted by Core Members. Proposals must include a plan for the programs and projects that the theater and the resident will work on during their time together, expectations regarding hours and duties, and the details of any additional fees, salary, or benefits that the host theater will offer above the stipend. Our applicant pool generally includes recent graduates of Arts Administration MFA programs and others wishing to begin or refocus their careers as management leaders in not for profit theaters.
Current Producers
Amanda Washington
Actor’s Express (2nd Year)
Crystal Stewart
Riverside Theatre
Karina Fox
Magic Theatre (2nd Year)
Nick Bublitz
Orlando Shakes (2nd Year)
Rebecca Myers
San Diego Repertory Theatre (2nd Year)
Richard Mosqueda
Marin Theatre Company
Alumni Producers
Addie Gorlin
Mixed Blood Theatre (2 Year)
Adrienne Boris
New Repertory Theatre
Cat Ramirez
InterAct Theatre Company
Clifton Guterman
Actor’s Express
Haley Nelson
Kitchen Dog Theater (2nd Year)
Helen Jaksch
Southern Rep Theatre (2 Year)
India Burton
Cleveland Public Theatre (2nd Year)
Irena Saric
Riverside Theatre
Jacqueline Flores
Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company (2nd Year)
Jamil Jude
Mixed Blood Theatre
Jasmine Brooks
Company One (2nd Year)
Jess Hutchinson
Kitchen Dog Theater
Jessica Bird
San Diego REPertory Theatre
Jessica Parks
New Jersey Repertory Company (2 Year)
Joseph Biagini
Perseverance Theatre (2nd Year)
Kate Leary
Magic Theatre
Kevin Becerra
Actor’s Express
Kristin Clippard
Orlando Shakes (2 Year)
Leah Anderson
Mixed Blood Theatre
Maria Patrice Amon
San Diego REPertory Theatre (2 Year)
Martin Wilkins
Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte (2 Year)
Maura Krause
InterAct Theatre Company
Monteze Freeland
City Theatre Company
Nancy Garcia Loza
16th Street Theater (2nd Year)
Nichole Palmietto
Horizon Theatre Company
Olivia Haller
Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
Paige Zubel
InterAct Theatre Company
Rob Lutfy
Marin Theatre Company
Ronee Penoi
Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company
Tara Branham
Prop Thtr (2nd Year)